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Augmented Reality- Proposal


This project is a Argumented Reality Poster, doing a poster for the app Layar.

The purpose for this project is showing a new way to advertise, more interactive and more fun than normal advertising, showing to people that doesn't know about it; This project would answer questions about what is Augumented Reality, how it works, showing to people who don't know about this app. The target audience for this project should be between 15-45 years old, because I think that today since everyone has a phone, with this type of apps could be easier interact with our city, with art, different advertisement for different products.

Doing this poster I used two different Adobe "apps" to edit and put all together, I used Photoshop to edit all the pictures and for assemble everything I used Illustrated to do the poster.

I did a poster for the series "Stranger Things", a new series from Netflix that almost everyone is watching right now, and is going to stream their second season in Halloween, 2017. So the idea was doing a poster where could put the new trailer for the new season, and maybe call the attention to people who never watch the series or if didn't know that Stranger Things would go for the second season. I put the most important characters from the series, and the video on top; also I put the twitter from the series to people that want to follow everything that they post.

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