Podcast Evaluation
For this project, we were tasked with making a documentary type podcast. My choice for topic was "Creative Media: TV, Film & Radio" course.
Through this process, I learned to worked with Adobe Audition, a software that I never worked before; I did a little research about it that I turn in a post about it (). I also learned how to record audio in this case I used my phone (that is a Samsung S4), and I used my phone first because we only had a few TASCAM in our college between our course and us doing the same work all at once and the quality of audio is good.
The editing part was simple because in this case you never run out content, not like a video. I believe that you can heard well our voices and we are being professionals, not monotone, hoping not boring and that people want to heard what we say.
For this project, I did a research to learn how to interview/how to do a podcast, since was the first time doing it I wanted to do something more professional. The recording process went well, I didn't need to stop any interview that I did, if something sounded bad or if I did, if a question in the bad way I could use the question from other interview (since I did two and use the best answer, in my opinion).
Beforehand I provide Kerrie and Chloe (my interviewee's) with the question and that way they could think the answers and do an interview without pauses and silence.
In my opinion, for this project we could do something more exciting, like doing a podcast in group, talking about some themes that we liked, but for one podcast I think was an interesting experience.
I didn't encounter any big problems that couldn't make this work possible. One of the problems that I had was find the correct sound effects for this podcast, to create the right background and feeling; other problem that I had in the beginning of this project was choosing a theme for my podcast: first I wanted to do something about music and do an interview to the band that I worked in the music video project; also was the possibility to do an interview to the Makeup Media course, the Music Experience Course or the fashion course.

If I could improve this project, I would do make the questions in a more fun way, that could make this promotional podcast more enjoyable to listen. I also hope that people can share this podcast with persons that are interested in the Media course and this will answer the questions that they had abour and they could join with us this adventure.
Overall, I think this project went well, being the first time that I did something like this, wasn't a disaster and I could say that was a success. Of course, that I thing that can be improve, always, I learn new information's about and that I could make it better in the future.