What is professionalism?
1. professional character, spirit or methods;
2. the standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur.
Being professional is defined as ab individual's conduct at work, watch the way we treat our work place, our co-workers, if we take time as a priority or not, how we present ourselves at work like if we are dress appropriately, treat everyone with respect (our co-workers or clients), being organized with our work, being on time with every work, always on time with our deadlines; I think, in this 6-7 months, I have being professional in my work and with the way I work with the clients that we had, I always put up my work on time in my blog, I arrive on time everyday, I tried to be the most organized with schedules.
In the future I hope to improve in some aspects like being less shy when talking with the clients, being more in control, voice my opinion in situations around our work and planning, "ask" for the same way we treat our clients, with professionalism, they treat us in the some way, not like "students" but as filmmakers.
Design Process

Turning our work more professional, our course create a professional website for our work, showing what we can do and how to contact us if they want to work with us ( We also create LinkedIn pages to have, somehow, a way to contact us professionally (