Green Screen- Film & Editing in Premiere
In the music video that we filmed, was our first experience working with a green screen and of course we did some mistakes, specific filming in the green screen, and that's why I did this search for next times.
Green screen video are normally used to create realistic environments and beackground scenes without having to film on location.
Lighting tips in shooting a green screen video
To shoot a video in green screen, it's better to light the background and the subject separatelly. Normally two or more lights are used to light the green screen; the light need to be 6 to 10 feet between the subject and background.
Camera tips is shooting a green screen
First make sure that any light is directed at the camera; if the camera faces directly to the subject, set the lights at 45 degree angles. Shoot the video as HD quality video (720p or higher).
Wrinkles problem in shooting a green screen video
Wrinkles in the screen can lead to heavy shadows and distorted image quality.
Editing "green screen" in Premiere
Search "ultra key":
Drag onto clip;
Colour dipper/click on green screen;
Output - Alpha Channel (setting-Aggressive);
Matte Generation:
Adjust all the parts;
Matte Cleanup:
Adjust all the parts;
Output - Composite;
Search "Black":
Scroll down + drag black and white on clip;
Search "Bright":
Click into Brightness and Contrast;
Drag it onto clip;
More brightness than contrast (move brightness down (↓) + move contrast up (↑) ).