Smarties Advert
This is my advert that I did for my Media Course (Level 3 Year 1). In this advert I make a stop motion for the Smarties brand, using their own product to do the stop motion.
For my work I did a moadboard and a storyboard to present my idea.
For doing my mood board I start to looking and searching photographs. First I search on google for images and came across the first image, left side, a draw from Joel Penkman website; the rest of the images I found on the Instagram page and I wanted something that looked alike to what I want my advert to be (like a stop motion advert).
In the Photoshop I used a mood board template on the background and place the images in. I didn't like the white bars in the template so I used Smarties images in different colours and put them like their are divide the images.


This is my storyboard for my advert. In this storyboard I planned all of my steps for making my stop motion, beginning with the first box where we can see that in the footage that is going to start with the smarties box in the middle and the smarties starting to enter from the left side;
In the second box, we can see that the smarties are going to round the box and then go apart;
In the third box is we're the explanation is going to start, we're I explain why smarties are better then others candy's; In the fourth box I give the answer for the question and I explain that it's because now smarties don't use any artificial colours or flavours and I give examples like the carrots or the spirulina for the colour, and the orange oil (in the fifth box) for the flavours;
In the sixth box I say that now with this "new" ingredients that not only it's fun for kids but it's more "natural" than the old smarties;
In the seventh I'm going to write one of the smarties slogan ("Only smarties have the answer") with the smarties and at the end is going be out of focus e is going to appear the smarties symbol from up, give a little jump and it's the end of the advert.