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Stop Motion Project

We did a project in class call Stop Motion with the class of Graphic Arts.

We join in a group of 4 (me, Zack, Anna and Carrie) and got to the entry of the Arts House and take several pictures.

Zack and Carrie lay down on the floor and start to move slowly, and every time they moved Anna take a picture of them. We simulate a fight scene between Zack and Carrie.

I think that this project was easy but it's "a lot of work" because you have to take a lot of pictures for a simple 50s-1 min video, but for editing is really simple, you only have to put the photos in sequence (or the camera do that for you) and it's done. Could put music in the video or something to make it more epic.

In the end our professor join all the videos together and make a "big" stop motion video with our work.

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