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Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Adverts can show different needs, depending on what they want to be their target. This needs

can be: Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem and Self-actualization.


In this level are the physical needs that our body requires, that we need to survive like food, water, air, sex, etc... . Is considered the most important in the pyramid.

In this Heinz advert we can see the physiological need, showing the nutritious values of one can of beans can get you satisfied and even then have a nutritious breakfast/lunch/dinner. This ad fits the physiological need because food is important for people surviving, they will always need and always have.

In this ad is showed different circumstances but in all of them the food factor is present.


The next one is the Safety Level and in this level we are sure to we achieve the needs for our safety/security.

This advert is in the category of safety needs. It's a road safety ad and shows a situation where the person that is on the car is not paying full attention to the road, and this way they finish hurting somebody.


This level is the level reserved for the feelings of belonging, like friendship or family.

In this advert is in the love and belonging need category. This advert shows two brothers, and the big brother always try to "make life" more difficult for is little brother, like putting is headphones in a place that he can't reach. But when other boys try to make the same, the big brother defend his little brother from the "bully's".


This advert is in the esteem need category. In this ad Dove try to make an experiment when they show two doors, one says "Beautiful" and other says "Average", and they make women pass one of this two doors. During this advert we can see different reactions to this experiment, some women decided to enter the "average" door, some enter the "beautiful", some regret their choice after they enter the door, other "force" their friends/family to enter in the "beautiful" door. And in the end they let the "public" decided what door they want to go.


This last advert is in the self-realization category. In this ad a man say to his father that he wants to go to the army and become a better person, a better version.

In the video we can see the dad trying to make is son not join the army but this is decided to go and prove that he can.

This advert is direct to young adults and they want to call their attention to the British Army and that the army is recruiting people. They want to show that if they join the army they gonna come a better version of themselves, they gonna be unique, that they can work where they dream about and at the same they can help their country.

Lifestyle Advertisement

"Lifestyle" in advertisement is something that brands use for years to call attention to the public and sell a lifestyle that some people want. For example, Levi's give an idea that if you use their jeans you became a rebel, with a James Dean kind of style.

In this advert we can see a guy that call the attention already in the beginning. People look at him different, look like that they don't approve is style, even a mom get her kids away when they try to see him.

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