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Pathos, Logos and Ethos in Advertisement

When adverts want to call your attention to their product, they use persuasive strategies and can be divided into three categories: Pathos, Logos and Ethos.


Pathos appeals to emotion and this can be positive or negative: Positive emotions such as happiness (an image of people enjoying a Coca-Cola).

In the begin of the advert we have a great close up shot at the product, using a cup of Coca-Cola with ice. Then they use images of ways you could enjoy a bottle of Coca-Cola, and using the last word of the last phrase they make a new phrase and a new way that you could enjoy a drink. For example, the first phrase that appears is "Coca-Cola with Ice", and then they cut the rest of the phrase only staying with the word "ice", and then they make a new phrase "Ice with Summer" and we can see a guy enter a bath with ice and bottles of Coca-Cola.

In this advert they made a lot of close ups shots to the product and then use a Neutral Angle that is going to show the activity that is going on that scene, like playing football on the beach or drink a Coca-Cola with friends.

Or negative emotions such as sadness (like an Amnesty International ad, when they transform a happy situation where a girl is playing in a sand box and her dad is going to take a picture of her, to a sad moment to call his attention when the picture transforms in an image where kids are suffering child labour). In this advert, to show their emotion they use extreme close up shots, showing the father's eyes when he see the image on is phone and gets a emotion of surprise that taking a picture of his daughter that show up; used a close up shot on the girls hand too showing what she was doing; neutral shot in the beginning showing the girl and her friend and that way we know who are the characters on this advert. Showing the face of the girl after that image shows on her dad's phone is showing that could be her on that image and that could be her working hard has a child.


Logos is going to appeal to logic/reason and is going to give evidence you need to understand their product. Like, this Cheerios advert that uses the benefits from the oats and apply to their cereal, writing in the box to prove.

In the begin of the advert we can see a girl and her mom on the kitchen, then they make a close up in the girl while she is talking with her mom and make the same think with the mom, while she's talking they made a close up.

The girl asks her mom if Cheerios are really healthy, because dad said that Cheerios could help, her mom, who surprise don't know how to answer her question, reads whats it is in the front of the box, "that cheerios have wholegrain oats that could help remove some cholesterol". The girl happy with the answer, goes to her father and puts a lot of Cheerios on him while is sleeping in the sofa.

They make a extreme close up shot at the father's face while he wakes up, and then a neutral angle shot showing him trying to get up, when he saw that he is full of Cheerios and "screams" his wife's name, and that way she could help him get up.


Ethos appeals to credibility or character. The ethos try to convince that the company is more reliable, honest and credible, that could involve statistics from experts.

During all the advert, is shown a lot of close ups and extreme close ups to the products, in this case for the Oral-B Pro-Expert toothpaste, Oral-B Pro-Expert mouth wash and Oral-B Pro-Expert toothbrush.

In the advert they film in a way really clinic, they use bright colors like white, light blue, light grey on her shirt, and this way they show that this product is equal the professionals and like this they show that the product is one of the best.

This advert in specific is for the Oral-B Pro-Expert mouth wash, and they show that in the begin, even that in the ad they show 3 different products. The woman say that when she used the toothpaste for the first that she thought "wow that is amazing", but when she used the mouth wash within, that was the best way to get the best results. In the ad she also shows how to used.

In the end of the advert she says that she's not the only one that notice the different using Oral-B products, and shows her in a clinic with her dentist and her doctor is writing with a smile on is face and gives her an "approve shake head", as he said that he also believes in the product.

Often a celebrity can give credibility to the product. This advert is for Calvin Klein for their new perfume "Deep Euphoria". In this advert shows a lot of close ups shots, neutral angels, dutch angles, pan angles, tilt angles, all of them showing the main character who in this case is a celebrity and is going to help to give credibility to the product.

In this case the celebrity is Margot Robbie, who play Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad this Summer (2016).

In the advert we can see different camera angles used on Margot, showing her face, clothes, different emotions and situations that she's going through in her "dream". A reason that they use so many shots for her clothes is that is a other way that they could use marketing in their favor, first using a actress that in cinemas now make that she's always going to appear on TV and that way give more "open space" to use their advert in TV; and second they not only use the advert for showing their new perfume but they use to show some of their new clothes for Autumn/Winter Collection.

All of the ad have colors like purple, dark blue, white and black. They use some close ups shot from the product but, different from Coca-Cola, they not use the product in all of their adverts (in 30s they show her with the product 3 times).

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