Production File
Our project had a lot of problems since the beginning, like for example we couldn't do the music video with the band because we had a lot of problems with the days, the dates that we gave they couldn't; first because same of the members of the band worked in education and that means that is really difficult to have a day off; second the band started to have a lot of dates to concerts so we couldn't do it.
In the second "try", we got in contact at facebook with the College page, to see if some drama course people wanted to do with us, and we had a lot of shares but anyone answer the post. Our last option was taking someone from our course and in that we called Ensor Taylor to be in our project.
Other problem that we had was with the green screen. Was the first time that we worked with the green screen so we did some mistakes, for example with the lights, the way that we put the lights we had a huge shadow behind Ensor; in the editing part that was difficult for a moment because with the idea that we had and we couldn't make that shadow disappear completely. After some tries we could pass the problem changing some thinks in the editing.
In individual contribution all of us had our place, what we prefer and what we like to do. In the planning and giving ideas all of us was involved and all of us gave their opinion for the project and what we wanted, then in the practical all of us filmed a little bit of this
music video, Anna did almost all off the close ups, Kerrie filmed more in the second camera with me; Anna and Kerrie directed most of the time, but I also gave some ideas and ways Ensor to do something. In the editing part I didn't participate that much, Anna and Kerrie they did all the work in Premiere and after two days of editing (three with filming) we had our project done. About the materials and stuff that we used, like the instruments, Kerrie draw and painted every single one; me and Anna simply cut everything.