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Evaluation- Stourhead

In this essay I'm going to evaluate my work, give my opinion about this project, say what went well or what went wrong, and answer some questions about it, like how the relationship between our group and the client, how we develop our skills or how we worked as a team, etc...

About my work I think I did a good work on location, that I manage to collect enough footage to do my promotional video; I took also some footage from other colleges from other groups. I took some photos also, that they are in my wix page at "Gallery".

I wasn't in the first trip that they did to Stourhead so I had to grab all "information" possible and usable, but also used some footage from the first trip that they did in December. About our group with the clients I only can talk about the second trip that I was in, and I think that we

worked really well together, they give us all of the information that we needed, no one put problems or difficulties to our work; everyone worked together, all of us could be independent inside the groups and at the end have everything that we needed.

We organized ourselves in three different groups: the first group (mine) had a interview with the General Manager, and after that we got to the house doing interviews with some staff and filming around the house about conservation; the second group was doing interviews at the garden to the people who worked there, then they also come at the house filming around and

doing interviews at the library; the last group where around Stourhead doing interviews to some workers and volunteers and at the end they join us at the house.

I think we were professionals and we showed that at the time, that we listen everything that they said to us, we did our work, and I think was a successful trip.

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