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Proposal and Treatment- Stourhead


The sized of my video for the project was a 1/2 min. A promotional video for The National Trust (more specific Stourhead) where we wanted to call the attention of the public to the "backstage", what goes in the back, how they keep everything in shape after so many years, what they do at Stourhead, how they conserve everything, etc; that is also the purpose of this video, is giving answers to that questions, and also show to the public and maybe to people that never heard about Stourhead.

This video as 1 min and 18 sec. where I show some shots that I did around Stourhead; we also used same footage from other people from my course that they did also that day. I mix also some interviews that we did that day.

Our target audience, is mainly, older people because normally they are the ones who are more interested in this type of places and themes. But also I wanted more dynamic and smaller in time to call the attention of the younger audience that can be interested in our videos our visit Stourhead.

I edited all the footage at Adobe Premiere CC. I added some "special features" at the video, like the name of The National Trust and saying that was in Stourhead; and at the end I put The National Trust logo and "our" logo from the Arts House. This images I put together in Photoshop taking prints from the official website, doing the background transparent and that way I put in the video.


For this project we didn't draw a storyboard complete like we needed to do for the music video project or the advert project, but we did a list to know what we want to do in location because we didn't had a lot of time to film everything that we want (all together we had two days to film and doing the interviews).

In location we did also a mini reunion we all of the groups to decided what each group got where; we were three groups at the time so we divided ourselves into different places at Stourhead: one group got to interview the General Manager and after go to the house doing interviews (in the case of my group); other group got to do interviews to the gardeners and go to the library; the last group got to do interviews to the volunteers around Stourhead.

My plan to "hook" the audience is doing a video interesting, make people not bored by watching it. Normally, the videos from this type of organizations, they are more like documentaries and normally they don't call the attention of the younger audience so that was also my idea, to do something "different".

In this type of video we don't have "characters" but interviews that are the own workers from Stourhead: for example we interviewed Mack Millerchip (General Manager at Stourhead); Anna Seven, that is behind all of the plans of conservation of Stourhead and also helps with visitants and volunteers; we also interviewed, specifically, people that is behind the conservation of Stourhead, like the library.

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